Donations Update

Since the start of Covid, we have been deeply touched by how many members of public offered donations of food and goods to our grateful staff.
As we go in to a second lock down, unfortunately this time we have to go about donations a little differently.
To help ensure the best protection from infection for our staff, patients and their loved ones, we are asking that you please don’t visit our hospitals to drop of gifts unexpectedly.
If you would like to make a donation of goods, we kindly ask that you contact 01332 785731 or email to arrange a safe time and date.
We ask that you also,
· We ask that staff do not appeal to the public independently for gifts or donations. If you are in need of anything, please contact us directly and we will discuss requirements.
· Notify the Charity of any donation or gift given by a member of the public or a business directly to your ward or department. This will allow us to record and acknowledge the gift and give them the thanks that they deserve for their support.
· We are unable to accept hot food or cold drinks – only food and drink that can be stored at an ambient temperature.
Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity has set up a series of Amazon wish lists to enable our fantastic supporters to make a donation of goods safely. Please visit 
We do not want to discourage donations and kindness from the public, but the safety of our staff is paramount and we must follow these guidelines to promote Covid security and fair dispersal of goods.
Thank you for your understanding.

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