Royal Society for Public Health award

Charity’s Air Arts team scoop award for involvement in National Project

Derby & Burton Hospital Charity’s Air Arts Team have been named as one of nineteen trusts to receive an award from the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH). The award was given in November, for the team’s involvement in “Our National Health Stories” – a national project which celebrated the NHS through art.  

The Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity Air Arts team were delighted to have been part of the project which ensured that the diverse work produced by the National Arts in Hospitals Network, was visible to all. Speaking about the award, Laura Waters, Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity’s Head of Arts said: “We are delighted that the project we worked on has been recognised by The Royal Society for Public Health.  Being part of an award-winning project, which produced a collection of powerful and moving stories about the NHS, in celebration of its 75th anniversary, makes me very proud of the work we do”.

laura waters head of air arts

The Air Arts programme, which is part of Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity, offers an ambitious programme of arts, music and creativity across its five hospitals in Derby, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The activities are carefully chosen with staff and patients in mind.  Some activities are designed to distract from illness, improve wellbeing, aid recovery and others, like live music, enhance the hospital experience for both patients and visitors.

The performance at University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust, included songs and poems. Musicians from Air Arts, composers of the music for Reflective Voices, were joined by poets reading from A Choral Forest, a series of reflections through poetry, song and artwork created by staff reflecting on their experience of working through the pandemic. 

Jill Matthews, Chief Officer for Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity said, “Seeing our Air Arts team receive such prestigious recognition from the Royal Society for Public Health not only highlights the dedication and creativity of the team but demonstrates their commitment to innovative art in our hospitals. I’d like to offer my congratulations to everyone who helped make this project so successful.”

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