Tattoo artist raises more than £5,000 to help teams buy a new camera lens to aid earlier detection of skin cancers
A camera lens which helps with the earlier detection of skin cancers is being put to good use by the Medical Photography and Dermatology teams at Queen’s Hospital Burton.
The ‘Dermlite Foto II Pro’ lens was purchased following a generous charitable donation from tattoo artist Adam Foster, who created customised portraits with all proceeds going to the Derby and Burton Hospitals Charity.
Adam raised more than £2,000 so the lens could be purchased, after raising more than £5,000 during the first lockdown – a sum which he again donated in its entirety to our Hospitals Charity.
Colleagues in Medical Photography attach the ‘dermascope’ to their cameras to high quality images of atypical moles and other suspicious lesions, which allows Dermatology clinicians to better see their structure which can lead to earlier diagnosis of potential cancers.

Sharon Mellor is Adam’s mother-in-law and works as a Clinical Photographer at Queen’s Hospital Burton. She said the lens has been a vital addition and is helping colleagues to diagnose cancers earlier:
“We’re working closely with all in dermatology to develop the new service that we’re very excited to be offering. I really am very proud of Adam and we are very grateful to him for raising the funds for us to buy this new vital piece of equipment to allow us to establish this new service.
“A large portion of the work of the dermatology department focuses on skin cancers, so this piece of equipment will provide reassurance and benefit to many patients going forward.”
“I really am so proud of Adam, it’s such a wonderful gesture, and I’d like to thank him once more on behalf of everyone in Medical Photography and Dermatology for his kindness. I’ve had melanoma myself so it’s something that feels very close to home.”
Dr Georgina Elston, Consultant Dermatologist, said that the new lens has been an incredibly useful resource so far and hopes to see its benefits in the near future:
“The Medical Photography Team has taken some superb dermoscopy images for us so far and we are already seeing patients back for review. It is very reassuring for patients to know that their moles are being monitored at such a detailed level allowing any subtle changes to be noted and lesions removed only when needed.”