Gold Lambie Award Launch

Today we are proud to announce the launch of our Gold Lambie Award scheme.

A bit like the Blue Peter badges, but much rarer, our badges will be presented to special fundraisers.

We had the honour of presenting the very first badges to the Urology Outpatients team today who have made herculean efforts in fundraising for their department over the last few years.

It all started while discussing team building ideas and then the group decided they wanted to raise money to improve their patients stay in hospital and enable them to buy the little “extras” that are so greatly appreciated.

Amy Goodman, Urology/Continence Clinical Nurse Specialist said, “We are most proud of how our efforts have improved our service by not only raising funds to develop it, but also by how it has built our team to be stronger. A team that works well together will always have more benefits to patient’s experience and staff wellbeing than can be put into words.”

To qualify for receiving one of our rare badges, fundraisers will need to fit the following criteria:

Individual fundraisers who have raised over £5000 for Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity

Groups who have raised over £10,000 for Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity

Our first round of winners will be all the teams nominated for our fundraising awards at the 2019 “Making A Difference” awards.

When they have all receive their special badges, the floor will open to you! Our fantastic fundraisers.

Good Luck!

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