Amputee Patient Conquers Snowdon

An Amputee Rehab patient has successful scaled Snowdon just 3 months after having one of his legs amputated.

Supported by staff from the unit, Mark Kelly, embarked on the challenge to raise funds for the unit and has so far raised an amazing £8,400!

Mark said he wanted to prove to himself he could take on the challenge, “I wanted to prove to myself and the world that when you put your mind to something you can achieve anything despite life changing injuries! When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are challenged to Change ourselves. I hope what I have done inspires other amputees and well anyone. I still have a long way to go in my journey and I won’t stop here.

Lizzy Sharples, Assistant Practitioner, Amputee Rehab Centre, joined Mark on the climb, “Lizzy Sharples “Mark undertook the climb just 3 months after his amputation.  We do not know of anyone that has achieved this before and this is one of the most ambitious early rehab goals that a patient has undertaken, reflecting Mark’s high level of pre injury fitness and utter determination.  The residual limb (stump) is still very tender and delicate in these early stages of prosthetic rehab, and he worked so hard to build resilience of the skin carefully and considerately in preparation for Snowdon.  

Centre Prosthetist Gordon Wilson also supported Mark on the day and was able to make real time prosthetic adjustments to aid Mark’s comfort and mobility at various points in the climb.

“This experience was a hugely important psychological goal for Mark and his mental strength was tested as he endured intense pain at times and took great care to look after his skin and get the best fit from his prosthetic leg even if this meant stopping to undertake various alterations.  The Centre would not advise anyone taking on a challenge like this so soon after amputation without the right preparation and support, but I feel so fortunate and proud that I was able to join him and cannot thank Mark enough for his fundraising” 

You can still donate to Marks fundraising page and help him reach his £10k target

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