Stall Holders Needed

Stall Holder Terms & Conditions

We are looking for stall holders to come along to our Family Fun Day on June 17 2023 at Mickleover Football Club.

To apply for a stall please fill in and submit the form below.

Please ensure you have read Stall Holder Terms & Conditions before submission.

Stall Holder Terms & Conditions

1. Stand Application -The Applicant for a stand at this event shall agree to the terms and conditions as set out below, plus any other reasonable conditions imposed by the organisers for the better control and organisation of the event. The decision of the organisers shall be final and binding in all matters. 

2. Stand Specifications – All applicants shall provide their own equipment, unless special agreements have been made with the organisers. 

3. Booking Confirmation – Confirmation of booking will normally be sent within 14 days of receipt of your remittance. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any application. Stand space will be dealt with in strict rotation with priority being given to early bookings. The organisers also reserve the right to remove any person, persons or articles from the event at anytime and have the right to refuse admission or entry to any part of the site. 

4. Liability -All goods and equipment stands brought to the event shall be the sole responsibility of the Applicant and shall be used at the Applicants own risk. The organisers shall not be responsible for any claim, demand, loss or damage howsoever caused. 

5. Siting Arrangements -The siting of stands or stalls will be at the discretion of the organisers in the interest of the best presentation of the day. Location cannot be guaranteed based on prior letting. All stands or stalls to be erected by 9am at the latest. Security shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants must not dismantle stands until 4.00pm. 

Any goods or stands left unattended within the event area shall be deemed to be abandoned and, as permitted by these conditions, the organisers may remove the same at the expense of the Applicant. 

6. Cancellation – A full refund will only be given if the organisers receive written cancellation at least 10 working days before the event. If written notice of cancellation is received less than 10 working days prior to the event only half of the fee paid will be refunded. In all instances, the organisers reserve the right to deduct a sum of £15.00 to cover reasonable administration costs. 

7. Cleanliness  – The Applicant is responsible for the clearance of all rubbish from their pitch throughout the event.

8. Electrical & Gas Equipment -Equipment brought to the event is at the Applicants own risk. The Applicant is responsible for arranging for their own generators and power sources. The organisers will not provide generators or an independent power source. The organisers must be informed on the booking form if you intend to bring any size gas cylinder on to the site. All gas cylinders used by stall holders must not be left overnight (Saturday) in gazebos. Applicants are responsible for removing from the site. 

9. Equipment – Erection and Operation The Applicant shall comply with all instruction manuals relating to the erection and operation of any equipment and ensure that the equipment will always be erected and supervised by a fully trained operator. 

10. Charity Collections To enable collections of any monies to be undertaken at the event for whatever purpose, it is necessary to have the required licence from the event. A copy of the licence must be always displayed on your stand. 

11. Raffles, Tombolas etc and Alcohol as Prizes – The use of alcohol as a prize in a raffle, tombola, etc. shall not require a licence from the Licensing Authority provided the proceeds are applied for purposes other than private gain* and the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the alcohol must be in a sealed container and is not for consumption on the site; (b) there are no money prizes;

(c) the result of any ticket sold or issued is declared on the day, at the premises where the entertainment (i.e.,
the NHS charity football tournament family fun day) takes place; (d) participating in the lottery or gaming is not the only inducement to attend the entertainment i.e., NHS charity football tournament family fun day .
If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the applicant would need to apply to the Licensing Authority for the relevant Licence prior to the entertainment/event taking place. At no point should alcohol be given as a prize to anyone under the age of 18.* “Private Gain” – if the proceeds of any entertainment, gaming or lottery is promoted on behalf of a society and those proceeds are applied for any purpose which would benefit the society as a whole, then such proceeds would not be regarded as being for the purpose of private gain. 

12. Food Safety Under the food safety legislation, commercial food businesses must be registered with the Local Authority where they normally trade from. The registration process will ensure that the business complies with safety standards. A copy of the registration certificate must be provided with your concession application form. Home or hobby caterers are also obliged to comply with food safety laws but should seek clarification with their local Environmental Health Department if they are not sure that they do and must provide copies of documentation with their application form. 

13. Private Vehicles During the event all private vehicles must be parked in the car parks provided unless arrangements have been made with the organiser. The organisers reserve the right to request removal of any vehicles from the event site. No vehicular movement will be allowed at the event site between 10.30 and 4.00pm without prior arrangement with the organisers. 

14. General Conditions All Applicants must report to a member of event staff on arrival. Official event opening hours will be 9am – 5.00pm. • Obstruction of the aisles or gangways within the site is not permitted. • The distribution of promotional literature must be undertaken from within a stand/stall space only. It is not permitted for promotional literature to be handed out across the site. • Balloons are not permitted to be sold or given away from stalls • Do not sell or give away as prizes any BB guns or imitation weapons.• Stalls must be always supervised by a responsible adult.• The use of air horns or similar items is not permitted on site unless issued with them for emergency use.• Please refrain from using loud hailers, megaphones, and individual p.a. systems. Please be considerate to neighbouring stall holders.

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