Royal Derby Hospital Doctor running city’s half marathon to support charity
Dr Harry Keevil, a Registrar in Geriatric and Internal Medicine at the Royal Derby Hospital, is taking part in the Derby Half Marathon this Sunday to raise funds for Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity.
A keen runner, Harry has worked his way back to fitness after having surgery. “In February 2022, I had spinal surgery to replace a slipped disc with an implant. The surgery was a great success and I’d like to say thank you to all those at UHDB who were involved! I find running keeps my core strong and hopefully will prevent the problem recurring,” said Harry.
Speaking about what motivated him to raise money for the charity, Harry said, “As a geriatrician and research fellow, I spend a lot of time working with older adults. Often, it is the little extra things that make a difference to their care, like the musicians or therapy dogs that come to the ward.”
More personally, this year I went on training course, partly funded using charitable funds. These courses allow us to shape ourselves and by extrapolation, our workforce into one that has the diverse skillset we need to provide excellent care to our community. Hopefully the money I raise will one day allow someone else to have a similar experience.” Added Harry.
Harry encourages anyone thinking of signing up to an event in support of the charity. He said, “To anyone else thinking of fundraising, it is incredibly easy to set up. Just visit the charity website or speak to the charity team at the hub by the main entrance at the Royal Derby Hospital and pick up a leaflet.”

Jill Matthews, Chief Officer at the Derby and Burton Hospitals Charity, said “We are incredibly grateful to those members of NHS staff, like Dr Harry Keevil, who take time out of their lives to train for sporting events, like the Derby Half Marathon and fundraise for our charity. Every penny raised by Harry will go to the charity general fund which will make a huge difference to patients and staff. On behalf of the charity team, I’d like to wish Harry and all the other runners taking part in the Derby Half Marathon lots of luck. We are truly grateful for your support.”
If you wish to sponsor Harry, please visit his Just Giving page using the following link:
We’d like to thank Harry for sharing his story.