The Healing Garden is a beautiful, quiet memorial area for families to plant flower bulbs in memory of loved ones.

The Garden

The Healing Garden

The garden is sited at the front of the Royal Derby Hospital, on the right hand side near to the coronary care unit. It was established in 2018, thanks to funding from Tesco, and includes several willow bird sculptures by local artist Emma Parkins, a curved bench, stepping stones and several flower beds for bulbs to be planted into.  An interpretation panel is placed on the adjacent wall to raise awareness of services available through the hospital to bereaved families.


The space provides a warm welcome for visitors to the hospital through use of colour and beautiful flowers, and provide a tranquil and welcoming area for people to come and remember friends and family who have sadly died at our hospitals.

Positive Tribute

The gardens provide a positive tribute to people through the symbols of renewal and growth of plants.

Planting Events

Planting events take place on the third Saturday in May every year, with further details available from the end of life team and in bereavement packs.

To find out more, please get in touch.