Adapted Bikes Support For Amputee Rehab Centre
Amputees at Royal Derby Hospital are now able to access adapted bikes to help with exercise thanks to support from Derby & Burton Hospitals and Cycle Derby.
The adapted bikes are used by a group of amputees supported by staff from Royal Derby Hospitals Amputee Rehab Centre and are hired to encourage exercise and socialising within the group.
Lizzy Sharples, Assistant Practitioner for the unit, “Some of our patients talk to us about getting back into physical fitness and it is something that is hard to get back in to when you have had such a significant event such as amputation. Cycle Derby are fantastic, they will find something for everyone. Their bikes have made it possible for everyone to get out and cycle and charitable funds have helped us with funding the scheme and refreshments so everyone here can make a day of it and socialise with other amputees.”
Jo Kaye-Allan, occupational therapist, “Its brilliant. Its so inclusive, everyone can have a go whether a prosthetic limb wearer or a wheelchair user, its not only a great physical workout but it’s great for people’s mental health as well. It brings them together, in peer support and connection.”
Simon Singh, an Amputee Rehab Centre patient, struggled with socialising after his amputation and has found the bikes to be a lifeline, “Because the bikes are all adaptable for a person’s needs there’s the opportunity for gentle exercise and fun. For me it gives me personal growth. Being able to breath and speak with people is not a given, it has taken me a while. First time I came I couldn’t speak to anyone, now I can’t shut up.”